How to Celebrate Mother’s Day When Your Mom has Passed Away

As some of you may know, my mom passed away about four years ago from Cancer. My mom was the best role model, my best friend and best therapist for both my friends and myself. Every year, mother’s day has been a hard day for me and this year, I graduated college and all I wanted was her to be there. This was extremely difficult for, basically for months beforehand and I can imagine this feeling will still be here for awhile. This post itself was even really hard to write, as I probably cried like six times just jotting down notes. I do find this post to be completely necessary because just because your mom has passed away, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t celebrate.

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Making a Shift: My Plans for 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I have decided to do a little analysis recently of the past year and use it to help guide me into the next. This semester was very hectic for me, from taking six / seven classes, working forty + hours a week, doing my sorority / Bursar stuff every day and being the President of two clubs. I have been running myself thin to say the least and that is going to stop. I plan on working to be a better me and still conquer everything that I want to. I don’t want to spread myself thin anymore. So, here is my list of “do-betters” for this upcoming semester / year.

  • Write more often (Get content out daily through rather social media or here)
  • Meditate more often
  • Do everything with love
  • Let go of the things you can’t change
  • Stretch more
  • Put your mental health first
  • Don’t dwell or regret your mistakes, learn from them and move forward
  • Take the time to eat a healthy meal
  • Eat your veggies
  • Find time to go to the gym
  • Remember what your focus is & stick to it
  • You have one semester left, put your all in

I plan on using these to help me reach my upcoming goals. I graduate in May and with that, I have a lot of goals that I am currently planning! I want to find a job in social media marketing, I want to try and makes deans list, move somewhere like Boston or New York and I want live a healthier life, both physically and mentally. My “do-betters” are set in place to help me remember my goals and to accomplish them slowly every day. Every day I plan on doing better than the last and not dwelling on the things I mess up, just focusing on moving forward and learning from my mistakes. Signaturepalmm




What are your goals and resolutions for the new year?

The After Christmas Up-To-Dates

I want to start by apologizing to my readers for not posting in some time, if you follow my Instagram and Twitter (which if you don’t I suggest you start haha) I have been busy between jobs, school and extracurriculars, but I plan on hoping back on track again! With that being said, I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I know mine was filled with food (including lots of Chocolate and sugar) and booze. Basically a very unhealthy, cheat day. But it was a fun, relaxing and great holiday filled with family, friends and a good time! It’s hard to say what my favorite gift I gave was, I feel like everything was just a giant shabang and everything was so cool that I got and gave! I just love watching people open what I give them!

I got amazing presents and gave a bunch too! I couldn’t be more thankful for the people in my life! Some of my favorite presents includes this HALO Charger below. This thing is so cool, it can plug in a light or anything with a normal prong plug, your phone, it has a flood flashlight and you can even jump start your car with this battery! Yea, thats right, jump start your car! You can check them out here!Read More »

November Mood Board

Happy November! I know this is a few days late, but without disappointment, it has arrived! I’m also sorry about the lack of posts and interactions these past two months, I have been super busy between both my jobs, class and everything else. But I made it a November resolution to get back on track and really interact with you all. I’m thinking that these next few months can only get better, amiright? 

So here we are the November Mood Board:

What I did in October:

+ I went home for Fall break! Think cute pics and @CiscoBrewery with lots of love and family.

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Sunshine & @ciscobrewers ☀️🍹

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+ I have set up my schedule to register for my last semester of college.

+ I have started to figure out how to do my big girl job (in case you missed it, I am working at a marketing firm in New Haven part time as a Junior Project Manager). I am running strategy meetings and hosting important conference calls.

+ Halloween was a thing!


What is coming up in November?

Thanksgiving! Aka one of my favorite holidays full of food and family!

+ Class registration was today! This is my last time registering for classes ever!

+ Hopefully getting and starting some new books (and making time to read)

+ The beginning of Christmas Shopping 🎄

+ Discovering some fun new quotes that really speak to me as I try to reevaluate and redesign my life


Fun things!

I found my new favorite red wine… peep it here

+ I found my new favorite Starbucks drink! (Venti Quad Coconut Milk Latte with 2 pumps of Caramel Brûlée)


What are you up to this month?




September Mood Board

Happy September! For me September is a bittersweet time! As some of you know, if you couldn’t tell from my blog already, I love summer. I am a summer baby, I love everything about it. From the beach, to the weather, to the free time, to traveling, to sunshine and ocean breezes. But September is a good time of the year and not just because it has my sister’s birthday in it and we need an excuse to celebrate. But, because the air becomes crisp, school is back in session and you have so many fun activities, flavors and outfits to try.

Happened in August…

+I turned 21!

+Nantucket Getaway

+Started my Senior Year of Classes

+Learned how to make a Pumpkin Spice Latte

+Got to go to Upstate New York and have a fun 24 hours cell phone free at Tennanah Lake with friends!

+Got to go Jet Skiing

Coming Up in September…

+E-Zoo (technically already happened but it was still September)

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EZoo 2017 🐘🌌

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+Apple Picking

+Recruitment (WHOOP WHOOP)

+Phi Sig Photoshoots

+Getting HootSuite Certified!

+Pumpkin Spice everything!

Check out my other mood boards! August, June, May

What are you most excited for this September?


Birthday Wish List

So as some of you know, my 21st birthday is coming up! August 15th, if you want to know! I’m super excited as most people would be! I have plans for all of next week! There will be brunch, dinner, traveling, family, friends and sisters! I couldn’t be more excited! I have listed a few things on my Birthday Wish List! I’m honestly not that picky and trying to think of what I want for my birthday I think gets harder every year! I remember when I was little and it was just so easy deciding what I want and now it’s like pulling teeth to get anything out of me.


Passion Planner / Statement Necklace / Booties / GoPro

Fossil Wallet /  Pearl Chocker / Gold Chocker


A few other honorable mentions is the Glossier Phase 1 Set , cute shirts for going out, a cross body bag for festivals and maybe even some stuff for my house!

What did you ask for for your birthday?





August Mood Board

Happy August everyone! I hope you are all just as excited as I am! This is one of my favorite months and I’m not just saying that because it’s my birthday month! This month for me is full of blue’s, gold, and light pink! Oh, and the beach! I hope this month finds both of us feeling beautiful and positive!

Happened in July

+I went to Bermuda for my cousin’s wedding! That was so incredible and I had such an amazing time! Peep the Insta for all the pics!

+I got a job at Starbucks and finished my training to become a Barista! I also learned a lot about new coffees!

+Celebrated Fourth of July!

+Watched the Bachelorette and ohmygod these boys are beauties! (Who’s was your favorite all along? Mine was Brian)

Coming up in August

+My 21st Birthday! I know, we can all be excited about this one!

+ I’m going to finish the two books I have been reading, Leave Your Mark and Career Code

+College classes start (senior year, yikes!)

+My roommates move in and we get to put our house together.

+I will be attending E-Zoo, the music festival in New York!

Check out my other mood boards; June, MayApril

What are you up to for August? Let me know in the comments! 
