Trader Joes Haul on a College Budget

Trader Joes is one of my favorite places to food shop. I love the food they sell, from he freshness of their produce to the quality of their frozen food and the samples that leave me speechless. I think that learning how to shop for healthy food that you enjoy on a budget is really important.

So, I have broken down some of my favorite things from Trader Joes that you can afford on a college budget. Below they are broken down into categories, but I will include what I use them for next to each item! After the list, I’ll explain the way I shop! Read More »

How to Get Back on Track After all that Holiday Food

If your holidays looked anything like mine, you had a lot of food and a lot of booze. The food was good, but I wouldn’t call it anything close to a diet. I plan on spending the next couple days resisting all the chocolate surrounding me from Christmas  refreshing and cleansing my body. I may not be cutting everything out and eating the healthiest and running 20 miles a day, but I want to eat better than I have, not eat a ton of sugar, load up on water and stretch / meditate.

Starting my day with water and coffee. For food, I want to eat eggs with veggies or greek yogurt. I don’t want to eat bagels and cream cheese or coffee cake, like I have been. Basically stay away from high carbs and sugar for breakfast that will leave me crashing.

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I Basically Cut Out Carbs for a Week {And Here’s What Happened}

Welcome to my reduced carb adventure. Please enjoy as I suffer and learn from me and my mistakes.

Day One: Monday

Breakfast: Trader Joes Greek Yogurt (Mango), Handful of Blueberries, Handful of Raspberries, Handful of Granola

I stopped and picked up a “Sun Cooler” from a local café. It has green and mint tea, lemonade and a touch of peach nectar. Served on ice with a fresh lemon!

Lunch: “Taco” Salad {Romaine lettuce and spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, red pepper, yellow onion, black beans, 1/4 breast of BBQ chicken, Mexican blend cheddar cheese, top with Annie’s Balsamic Dressing and Ranch. If you want a little crunch cheat a little and add 3-4 crushed up tortilla chips )Read More »

Meal Prep {the How-To and the Why}

So, I have decided to start doing that magical thing called meal prep. I’m not planning on having these meals every single day, but I have decided that it is a step in the right direction. If you do it right, you can save money and eat healthier.

My main ingredients will consist of

  1. Brown Rice
  2. Chicken
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Broccoli
  5. Asparagus/Green Beans (whatever is on sale)
  6. Spinach

Of course, I will use other ingredients but these will be the main focus.

Im planning on roasting a a bunch of veggies for two nights with chicken and brown rice. This can be easily reheated and good to eat the first night of making.

Then using the chicken, tomatoes, spinach and layering with black beans, corn and my avocado cilantro dressing in a mason jar for another two days

For snacks, I can eat the broccoli and tomatoes with ranch dressing.

Lunch some days I can use the spinach and tomatoes with chicken and dressing for a salad or even eat the roasted veggies and brown rice with fresh spinach.

The goal of this is to save me money and to make sure I don’t go all day without eating or eating a sandwich for lunch when I know I should be eating vegetables.

I hope this has helped you and I will be sure to keep you updated as I start this yummy food journey.
