Productivity before bed - Always Sunkissed

6 Ways to be Productive Before Bed

Some people are more productive in the mornings and others, nighttime. I am far from a morning person, but either way, I believe that productivity is an all day affair. Being productive before bed is actually a huge way in getting yourself set up for success the next day. Productivity can be a scary word for some, especially in the sentence involving the word “bed”, but this isn’t scary, it is actually a way to get the most out of every day and get yourself ready for the next. 

When you think about before bed, what do you think of? Watching tv, reading your book, writing in a journal, etc? That’s what I think of. These can be easily transformed into productive times in your life. And who ever said reading isn’t productive, needs to figure a few things out 🙈


I love making a to-do list every night for the next day. For the people who don’t want to be staring at a screen before bed, I think this is a great form of productivity. Hand writing is a lost art, so writing out your to-do list on a piece of paper or in your journal, makes crossing off your tasks that much more fulfilling. I love having my weekly, monthly and daily to-do’s fill up my journal / planner, where they can easily be compared to the progress I am making with my goals for that month, plus some.  


Productivity Before Bed - Always Sunkissed

SET A ROUTINE … and follow it

People set routines to get themselves productive in the mornings and some before bed. In my opinion, nighttime routines tend to be far more difficult to stand by. I find this because “sh*t happens”. You may not go to bed until late or go to bed super early, your schedule is bound to change from what you originally had planned and that is life. So set a routine and don’t be mad at yourself when you don’t follow it. I don’t have the perfect routine (morning or nighttime), but I have tasks that I need to do every night no matter what. These tasks include taking my makeup off and putting dirty clothes in my laundry basket. Everyday I do different tasks, such as cleaning up my bathroom, picking up my room, putting away clothes, doing a face mask, and pretty much anything that makes my life a little better. Night routines help to set you up for the next day and also relieve some anxiety and angst before the day is over. 


If anyone ever told you that reading a book wasn’t productive, they are defiantly lying to you. Now don’t get me wrong, I still watch television before bed and even have been known to sleep with the tv on, but reading is such a soothing way to end your day. Grab a new book or an old favorite, cuddle up on your couch or under your covers and get reading. This is actually a great way to end the night and get you ready for the next day as it helps to reset your mind and shut out the real world for a little while.  Reading is a form of self-care and self-care is always a form of productivity in my book. 


Sometimes, you just need to get on your computer (or phone) and get working. Some of the best businesses, online and IRL were created by late nights and productive nights. Getting the juice flowing when you are stuck sometimes just requires you to work it through. I have been known to do extra productive during late nights after I got out of work or class. Sometimes it is as simple as watching Netflix and writing in my journal, other times it’s writing out multiple blog posts. Nighttime is when I find to be one of the most magical times to be productive, while the rest of the world is sleeping.


I love writing, as we might be able to tell from this blog. I think creating a journal to write does wonders for the brain. This can be a set journal such as the 52 Lists Project and the 52 Lists for Happiness Journals, a blank journal where you write where no one will ever read, or a business journal for all of your ideas. Some people like to have online journals, which are great, but sometimes writing out what you’re thinking goes a long way. If you prefer online, don’t let me stop you, as long as you are writing. The 52 Lists Project journal is actually one of my favorite journals because whether you have 5 minutes for 2 hours, there is a list to get you started. Not to mention, they are sectioned off into different seasons that make the most sense (optional of course).


I think cleaning up before bed is super important. Whether you’re finishing up your laundry or washing some dishes or even just picking up a few things and reorganizing it puts you in a better mindset for the next day. Raise your hand if you hate waking up to a dirty and unorganized space! RIGHT HERE, Raising my hand. I will always clean up what I left around that day or even cleaning up your work space so that isn’t the first task in the morning. Cleaning is much easier to do at the end of the night, in small batches of course, so you’re not dreading it when you get out of bed in the morning. Leave more important things for the top of your to-do list!





In the comments, tell me how you like to be productive before bed!

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